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An open letter to the idiots who did this in the Rotary Club of Augusta

Let me start by saying that I understand people do this because they think they are good. There is always room for more friendly gestures in the world. Is kindness a word? Anyway, I digress. However, this posture, despite being polite, is extremely dangerous.
Most of us who live and work in central Maine, even those who are not in Maine, are very familiar with the two Rotary clubs in Augusta. We have a memorial circle on the west side of Kennebec, and a Connie circle on the east side of the river. Nevertheless, every time I see this special thing happen, it always seems to happen in Cony Circle.
Cony Circle in Augusta has multiple roads merged into it. Traffic is entering a busy roundabout from the other side of Memorial Bridge, Stone Street, Coney Street, Bangor Street, and Coney Street on the Hill. This means that it tends to be busy all day long.
There is a certain process for rotating working methods. People currently in the circle or in the circle have the right of way, while those sitting on the cross street must wait for their turn to enter the vehicle. Spoiler: This is what I hate the most.
When you are driving in a circle, don’t apply the brakes and stop in the middle to let others wait at the intersection. I have seen this happen many times! Do you know how dangerous it is to stop in the middle of a spin to let others in? Not to mention it’s an inner lane and an outer lane, so if the car next to you in the other lane doesn’t stop and let the traffic in, it will quickly become a mess.
I have seen this happening so many times that I can’t count it, which reminds me of how many times it happened when I was not there. Remember, the whole idea of ​​these traffic circles is to prevent traffic from stopping and maintain continuous flow, so when you stop in them, you are actually increasing the flow and putting other drivers in danger.
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Post time: Jul-16-2021

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