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Application of Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves in the power industry

Application of Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves in the power industry

Application of Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves in the power industry


With the rapid development of the power industry, the requirements for equipment are also increasing, and the selection and use of valve equipment are particularly important. The Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valve, as a high-performance valve, has excellent fluid control performance and sealing performance, and is widely used in various fields of the power industry. This article will provide you with a detailed introduction to the application of Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves in the power industry, including their working principles, performance characteristics, and specific applications in the power industry.


1The working principle and performance characteristics of Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves

1. Working principle

The Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valve is a type of valve that uses butterfly plate rotation to achieve opening and closing, with simple structure and convenient operation. A butterfly valve is composed of components such as a valve body, valve stem, butterfly plate, and driving device. In the open state, the gap between the butterfly plate and the valve body is maximum, and the fluid can flow freely; In the closed state, the gap between the butterfly plate and the valve body is the smallest, and the fluid cannot flow. The opening and closing process of butterfly valves can be achieved through manual, electric, pneumatic, and other methods.


2. Performance characteristics

(1) Good fluid control performance: The opening and closing process of the butterfly valve only needs to be rotated by 90 °, with low fluid flow resistance and the ability to achieve quick opening and closing.

(2) Good sealing performance: The sealing pair of the butterfly valve adopts a hard metal to metal seal, which has good sealing performance and can prevent leakage.

(3) Long service life: The contact area between the valve plate and valve seat of the butterfly valve is large, and the wear is uniform, which can ensure that the valve does not get stuck during long-term operation and has a long service life.

(4) Easy installation and maintenance: The butterfly valve adopts flange connection, making installation and disassembly convenient and maintenance simple.


2Application of Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves in the power industry

1. Thermal power industry

In thermal power plants, Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves are widely used in boiler feedwater systems, steam systems, circulating water systems, etc. For example, in the boiler water supply system, butterfly valves can automatically adjust the water level to ensure the normal operation of the boiler; In the steam system, butterfly valves can achieve steam flow control to ensure stable output of the generator set; In the circulating water system, butterfly valves can regulate the circulating water and ensure the cooling effect.


2. Hydropower industry

In hydroelectric power plants, Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves are mainly used for regulating and controlling the water inlet and outlet of hydraulic turbines. Butterfly valves can quickly cut off and regulate water flow, ensuring the normal operation of hydraulic turbines. In addition, butterfly valves also play an important role in the water transmission system of hydropower plants, which can regulate the water volume of the water transmission pipeline and ensure the power generation efficiency of the hydropower station.


3. Nuclear power industry

In nuclear power plants, Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves are mainly used for nuclear reactor coolant systems, radioactive wastewater treatment systems, and so on. Butterfly valves have good sealing performance, which can prevent the leakage of radioactive substances and ensure the safe operation of nuclear power plants.


4. New energy industry

In the field of new energy generation, such as wind energy and solar energy, Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valves also play an important role. For example, in wind power generation, butterfly valves can achieve flow control of the wind turbine’s inlet and outlet ducts; In solar power generation, butterfly valves can regulate the cooling and circulating water of solar panels.



In summary, flange connected midline butterfly valves in China are widely used in the power industry, with excellent performance characteristics and good market prospects. With the development of the power industry, the demand for butterfly valves will continue to increase. Therefore, the production and research and development of flange connected midline butterfly valves in China should continue to be strengthened to meet the growing demand of the power industry. At the same time, the power industry should fully consider its performance characteristics when selecting and using butterfly valves to ensure the safe and stable operation of equipment.

Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valve Chinese flange connected midline butterfly valve


Post time: Nov-15-2023

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