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Omega: Mechanical startup inspection after a long shutdown | Texas Instruments Omega Foundry-planet.com

Omega SINTO Casting Machinery hopes that you will have no sound at this challenging time. Although the current situation continues to evolve, they are here to do everything they can to support you.
The OMEGA SINTO Foundation mechanical support team may work from home, but they all have full access to the supporting documents and can provide you with the same level of service as before. They are still conducting field trips to the UK when absolutely necessary. As long as you strictly abide by the government’s recommendations, Omega is honored to support those of you who have been able to operate during difficult times. However, if you have to stop production for a period of time while making some adjustments or being unable to keep your distance from society, Omega will also serve you. Please find the recommended start-up inspection for the most popular Omega Sinto casting machine in the attachment. These checks may also be used on any similar non-Omega Sinto machinery that has been out of service for some time. If you need any help or more information, or book your summer shutdown service, please feel free to contact OMEGA SINTO FOUNDRY MACHINERY by email on support.atml.net or by phone.
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Post time: Mar-11-2021

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